N O 4 S I L O
Gym - V&A Waterfront
No 4 Silo forms part of the greater Silo Precinct in the V&A Waterfront and is occupied by the Virgin Active Collection Gym.
No’s 3, 4 and 5 and the ‘PUBLIC REALM’ evolved through numerous variations as suitable occupancy’s were sought and Town Planning restrictions required resolution.
The idea sought to create a multiplicity of Urban space types. This was reinforced by fragmenting the buildings which enclose the space in order to avoid monolithic and only one dimensional interfaces between the buildings and the Public Realm open space. This intent was overlaid with extensive wind analysis, sun projection studies, anticipated uses and circulation patterns. The proposals put forward that the ‘front doors and addresses’ of each building in the Public Realm, should be clearly identifiable and understood.
With VDMMA being responsible for the design of No’s 2, 3, 4 and 5, this allowed for the simultaneous design development of all the thresholds enclosing the space of the Public Realm. The view was taken that the fragmentation of the surrounding buildings would allow for variety, eschew monotony and it is hoped, allow for the unexpected within the Public Realm. However, the intent which allows simultaneously for a neutral backdrop, against which any type of event may occur, was also taken into consideration. Space use anticipates temporary and fixed exhibitions, commuters going to and from work, office workers breaking for lunch, meeting or avoiding colleagues, and apartment dwellers shopping for groceries